Hatching Bearded Dragon Eggs: Tips & Timing

Bearded dragons are popular as pets due to their ease of care and breeding capabilities. If you’re interested in hatching bearded dragon eggs, it’s essential to understand the process and timing involved. Providing a safe environment for the female to lay her eggs is crucial before moving them to an incubation box. The eggs should be arranged properly on a substrate and transferred to an incubator set at the appropriate temperature. During the incubation period, it’s important to monitor the temperature and humidity levels to ensure successful hatching. After around 60 days, the eggs will start to hatch, and it’s important to avoid disturbing the process, allowing the newly hatched babies to stimulate the remaining eggs to hatch.

Key Takeaways:

  • Creating a safe environment for egg laying is crucial for hatching bearded dragon eggs.
  • Properly arrange the eggs on a substrate and transfer them to an incubator with consistent temperature and humidity.
  • Monitor the incubation period closely and avoid disturbing the process.
  • After around 60 days, the eggs will start to hatch naturally.
  • Allow the newly hatched babies to stimulate the remaining eggs to hatch.

Creating the Right Environment for Egg Laying

Before hatching bearded dragon eggs, it’s crucial to provide the female with a suitable environment for laying. To ensure the best conditions for egg laying, follow these steps:

  1. Provide a large enough container: Choose a container that is spacious enough for the female to comfortably dig and lay her eggs. A plastic container with a snug-fitting lid is recommended to maintain the appropriate humidity levels.
  2. Prepare the incubation substrate: Use a substrate that retains moisture well, such as a mixture of vermiculite and water. This will help maintain the necessary humidity during the incubation period.
  3. Arrange the eggs properly: Once the female has laid her eggs, carefully arrange them on top of the substrate. Ensure that they have enough space between each other to allow for expansion during incubation.
  4. Transfer the eggs to an incubation box: After arranging the eggs, carefully transfer them to an incubation box. This box should be placed in a controlled environment with a stable temperature.

By creating the right environment for egg laying, you are optimizing the chances of successful incubation and hatching.

Take a look at the table below for a summary of key considerations:

Step Consideration
1 Provide a large enough container
2 Prepare the incubation substrate
3 Arrange the eggs properly
4 Transfer the eggs to an incubation box

Following these guidelines will help ensure the optimal conditions for bearded dragon breeding and incubation.

Incubation Process and Care

The incubation process is crucial for the successful hatching of bearded dragon eggs. To ensure optimal care, follow these steps:

1. Set the Incubation Temperature

Place the incubation box in an incubator set at a temperature of around 29°C (84°F). It’s important to monitor the temperature daily and maintain consistency. Minimize temperature fluctuations to prevent any negative impact on the developing embryos.

2. Handle the Eggs with Care

The bearded dragon eggs should remain undisturbed during the entire incubation period. Avoid excessive movement or rotation, as this can harm the delicate embryos. If any eggs develop mold, promptly remove them from the incubation box to prevent contamination.

3. Prevent Condensation

Take precautions to prevent condensation from forming on the lid of the incubation box. Excessive moisture can pose a risk to the eggs and hinder proper incubation. Ensure proper ventilation and maintain an optimal humidity level to avoid condensation.

4. Allow Natural Hatching

After approximately 60 days, the hatching process begins. It is essential to allow the baby dragons to hatch naturally without interference. Resist the urge to assist in hatching, as this can disrupt the natural process and cause complications for the hatchlings.

bearded dragon egg care

Why Natural Hatching is Important

“Allowing baby bearded dragons to hatch naturally ensures their physical development and strengthens their survival instincts. Intervention during hatching can lead to complications and long-term health issues.”

By following these incubation guidelines and prioritizing the natural hatching process, you can increase the chances of successful bearded dragon egg hatching. The patience and care invested will be rewarded with healthy and vibrant baby bearded dragons.

Signs of Readiness and Fertility

Before bearded dragon eggs can hatch, it’s important to understand the signs of readiness and fertility. Female bearded dragons can lay eggs even without a male present, and the presence of a male in the past year increases the chances of fertility. Gravid females exhibit specific behaviors, such as increased lethargy and belly enlargement. They may start digging or clawing to find a suitable spot to lay their eggs. Bearded dragons can lay multiple clutches, and it’s essential to monitor the eggs for signs of fertility. Candling can be used to check if an egg is fertilized by shining a light behind it and looking for developing embryos.


Hatching bearded dragon eggs can be a rewarding and exciting endeavor for reptile enthusiasts. By providing the proper environment for egg laying and diligently following the incubation process, you can increase the chances of successfully hatching your precious bearded dragon eggs.

Monitoring the temperature and humidity levels throughout the incubation period is crucial for optimizing the hatching process. Maintaining a stable temperature of approximately 29°C (84°F) and preventing any significant fluctuations is essential. By ensuring the correct humidity and temperature conditions, you are creating an ideal environment for the development of the baby bearded dragons inside the eggs.

During the incubation period of around 60 days, avoid disturbing the eggs as much as possible. Any interference can be detrimental to the hatching process. Once the hatching begins, allow the baby dragons to emerge naturally from their shells. This natural process stimulates the remaining eggs to hatch as well.

It’s important to note that bearded dragon breeding and the care of their eggs demand adequate time, space, and financial resources. If you feel you are not fully prepared for the commitment, it’s advisable to refrain from breeding. However, for those who are ready, the hatching process of bearded dragon eggs can be a fascinating journey, filled with anticipation, and ultimately rewarded with the joy of welcoming adorable baby bearded dragons into your reptile family.


What is the process of hatching bearded dragon eggs?

The process involves providing a safe environment for the female to lay her eggs, arranging the eggs on a substrate, transferring them to an incubator set at the appropriate temperature, monitoring temperature and humidity levels during incubation, and allowing the eggs to hatch naturally after around 60 days.

How should I create the right environment for bearded dragon egg laying?

You should provide a large container with moist substrate for the female to dig and lay her eggs. Using a plastic container with a snug-fitting lid and preparing the incubation substrate with the right moisture level are recommended.

What is the incubation process for bearded dragon eggs?

The eggs should be arranged evenly on top of the substrate and transferred to an incubation box. The box should be placed in an incubator set at a temperature of around 29°C (84°F), and the temperature should be monitored daily to ensure consistency. Moldy eggs should be removed, and condensation on the lid should be prevented.

How can I tell if bearded dragon eggs are fertile?

You can check for signs of fertility by observing the behavior of the breeding dragons and using candling to look for developing embryos. Female dragons may exhibit increased lethargy, belly enlargement, and digging or clawing behavior when they are ready to lay eggs.

Are there any risks or challenges in hatching bearded dragon eggs?

Yes, breeding dragons and caring for the eggs require time, space, and financial resources. It’s important to be fully prepared for the commitment before attempting to hatch bearded dragon eggs. It is advisable to refrain from breeding if you’re not ready to provide the necessary care.

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